The Long Walk Doesn’t Pull Any Punches

Posted: August 3, 2024, 13:05
In an interview with CinemaBlend, JT Mollner who wrote the script for the upcoming adaptation of The Long Walk promised a faithful and R-rated adaptation of King's novel that doesn't pull any punches. Here’s what he said:

The great thing about this is that Francis, this is a true... I mean, it's not a low budget movie, but it's not as big of a budget as he normally works on with big franchises like the Hunger Games and stuff. So this is a true passion project for him. He wanted to do it the right way, a faithful way. And he knew that meant it was gonna be a very hardcore, disturbing and somewhat controversial movie. And that's the movie I was interested in writing. Stephen King also was very committed and determined for Francis to make a rated R film, one that honored the book and stayed true to the book.

We didn't really pull any punches. Most of the stuff that you remember being tough to take in the book still exists. And there are some tweaks made to update it that I think are smart… But I'm very happy with the adaptation as a Stephen King fan. I'm really happy with what we did with it. And even the studio notes that came in and, and the feedback from everybody, everybody was on the same page as far as staying true to the brutality and the seriousness of the book.