Stephen's Picks and Lighthouse VI

Posted: October 13, 2005, 00:00
Stephen's Picks is a new weekly feature on his official site. Here are his picks for the week of October 10, 2005:

* Stephen is reading The Lincoln Lawyer by Michael Connelly.
* He is listening to King of the New York Streets by Dion.
* His movie pick of the week is Serenity - he loved it.

This continuity clarification if from King himself and was published on his official site:

"The review of The Colorado Kid in today's issue of USA Today mentions that there was no Starbucks in Denver in 1980. Don't assume that's a mistake on my part. The constant readers of the Dark Tower series may realize that that is not necessarily a continuity error, but a clue."

Thanks to Miss X.

Lighthouse Media One is currently compiling their third and final Stephen King Special - Lighthouse VI. They still have a few places open for essays/non-fiction articles on King, but these would need to be submitted within the next two weeks to

Further details can be found at

The proof of Lighthouse V (the second King special) has been approved and LMO are awaiting delivery on this book.