King's the "Sunday Morning" program...

Posted: October 8, 2005, 00:00
You can now pre-order the UK edition of Cell from The release date listed is February 13.

Thanks to Marco Lammers.

King's the "Sunday Morning" program seems to be airing tomorrow morning, October 9, some time between 9:00 and 10:30.Here is what Hard Case Crime say about it in a mail.

First, the TV appearance: Those of you who have been with us for a while may recall that about two months ago CBS came by to interview us for their "Sunday Morning" program. They originally told us that the segment was scheduled to air on September 18th; then it was rescheduled for September 25th; then October 2nd. After the piece failed to air on any of those dates, we started to despair of ever seeing it. But earlier today, CBS did something they'd never done before: They publicly announced that the piece would run this coming Sunday. Here's what they posted on their Web site and sent to everyone on their mailing list: "PULP FICTION: Growing up, writer Stephen King loved reading dime store novels. Now the established author has written one of his own, a paperback murder mystery called 'The Colorado Kid,' the latest in the retro series 'Hard Case Crime.' Anthony Mason sits down with the author and learns about his role in the comeback of pulp fiction." So: While we can't make any promises, it looks like the piece may actually be airing tomorrow morning, October 9, some time between 9:00 and 10:30. I'll be tuning in, and I hope you'll join me.

The holiday special of The Dead Zone has gotten an earlier premiere date. This is from the official site:

SPECIAL HOLIDAY EPISODE! Don't miss "A Very Dead Zone Christmas," an all new episode of The Dead Zone, premiering Sunday, November 27 at 10/9C! Watch this site for more details, coming soon.

Thanks to Dohi.