The Colorado Kid news

Posted: September 10, 2005, 00:00
King will do an interview for Sunday Morning on CBS about The Colorado Kid.

Anthony Mason and Douglas Smith of CBS visited with Hard Case Crime to talk about the history of paperback crime novels and what they're doing in the Hard Case Crime line; they also spent some time talking with King and with legendary cover painter Robert McGinnis, who showed them around his studio. The resulting story is scheduled to air on the Sunday Morning program on September 18th.

Hard Case Crime also reports that The Colorado Kid has a first printing of about one million copies but if you don't want to buy a copy you can enter one of the two known contest to win a copy of the paperback. A dozen people will be select at random by Hard Case Crime to receive a free copy. To enter the drawing, just send an e-mail message to before midnight New York time on Saturday, September 17th. The winners will be selected on Sunday morning, right after the Sunday Morning show.