Premiere photos and The Dark Tower 7 restrictions

Posted: July 23, 2004, 00:00
Galley's of The Dark Tower 7 is now being sent out. With them there are a letter asking people not to spoil the ending of it. Here is what it says:


We hope you understand that, because we are giving you advance time to read and plan reviews to land in conjunction with the September 21 publication date, we are trusting you with a great secret.

PLEASE respect the Dark Tower fans that have been waiting for over thirty years to read the conclusion of Roland's quest, and do not give away the contents of this book, or pass on this galley for resale, before that date.

Thank you for your consideration.

Some pictures of King from the Los Angeles Premiere of The Manchurian Candidate has now appeared online. See more here and here.

Thanks to Bev Vincent.