Hodder To Reissue King's Entire Backlist

Posted: March 18, 2021, 12:41
Hodder & Stoughton reveales that they will release King's entire backlist with a new look between now and the fall of 2024. Devided in 2 - 3 batches per year all will culminate with the 50th annerversay of Carrie. Hodder will then have released over 70 books with this new look.

The books will be grouped into different categories including Chilling Classics, Epic Thrillers and
Reading Group Suspense, helping readers to navigate their way through the extraordinary range and
depth of King's body of work, and discover which type of novel will most appeal to them. Each group
will be unified by striking new author brand lettering, and distinguished by a distinct colour palette
and title lettering.

The first six titles to be released in May are: Christine, Cujo, Doctor Sleep, Firestarter, `Salem’s Lot and The Shining.