Friday and Saturday’s winners

Posted: October 22, 2006, 01:30
Here are the correct answer for Friday and Saturday’s question in the Lisey’s Story contest. Due to some technical difficulties I didn’t get the winners for Friday’s contest out in time so therefore you’ll get both day’s winners now.

Before I give you the winners though I want to remind you that you have to subscribe to my newsletter to have the chance to win. During the drawing of these 7 winners I had to disqualify 3 entries because they wasn’t resisted to the newsletter or had given a different e-mail address. So, make sure you subscribe and give the right mail in the entry.

Question: An excerpt from Lisey’s Story was first published in 2004. Where?
Answer: McSweeney’s Enchanted Chamber of Astonishing Stories.

And the winners are… Sebastiaan Rutten from the Netherlands (an audio copy), Peter Hunt from the US (an audio copy) and Alex Michielon from the Australia (a UK hardback), Congratulations!

Question: How many days did it take for Lilja’s Library to get 1,000,000 hits?
Answer: March15th 1999 – October 14th 2006. That is 2771 days.

And the winners are… Vince Sonnenberg from the US (an audio copy), Per Andersson from Sweden (an audio copy), Kelly Bridges from the US (a UK hardback) and Frank Hill from the UK (a US hardback), Congratulations!