Live Videochat; Will You Be There?
Posted: April 20, 2016, 14:17
Why do I do this?
- Because I love to talk King and I’d love to hear from all of you and what you have to say about King and Lilja’s Library. The site has been online for 20 years so I guess it’s about time right?
When will you do this?
- I’ll be online this Tuseday April 26 at 11PM my time (Sweden). That would be 10PM in London, 5PM in New York, 2PM in LA and 7AM (on April 15) in Sydney.
How long will you be there?
- I’ll try to be there as long as there are people joining me but at least for an hour. Hopefully longer.
What can you ask?
- Anything you want. If I can I will answer but please know that I don’t have the answer to everything
Smiley smile
Do we have to ask stuff or can we just chat?
- You can ask questions, chat, comment, post photos and do pretty much anything except disrespect anyone. I want us to play this nice.
Can you show us stuff you have?
- Sure, ask and I’ll post photos.
Will King be there?
- No, not King just me Lilja
If you head over to the facebook site you can check out a (pretty bad) testrun I did...