Win Joyland on audio
Posted: May 21, 2013, 10:58
Step 1: Following Lilja’s Library on Facebook.
Step 2: Add the year when The Green Mile was first released.
Step 3: Head over to Add the number of the month for when I started counting visitors for the site.
Step 4: Follow me on Lilja Says on facebook .
Step 5: Subtract the number of times I have interviewed Stephen King.
Step 6: Take the first two numbers in the numbers of followers Lilja’s Library have on facebook and add them.
Step 7: Add the number for the month the book version of Lilja’s Library was released.
Step 8: Subtract the number of copies the most expensive edition of Joyland was released in.
Step 9: Add the number for the day when Lilja Says joined facebook.
Step 10: Tell me the name of one King book released in the year you get after adding and subtracting these numbers.
You need to send in the answer (by email info[a] before June 3 to be entered in the contest. The winners will be announced on Monday June 4.
Good luck! Oh, and the ontest is open to anyone anywere!