Contest updates

Posted: February 27, 2012, 23:59
Here is an update on the latest contest here on Lilja’s Library.

1) The Stand contest (where you should tell me why I should send you a copy of the audio edition of the book have a winner. First let me tell you that this is probably the hardest decision I have had to make when it comes to selecting a winner. A lot of you have given me very good motivations but in the end I selected Misha Gail at the winner. Here is her motivation:

Dear Lilja

I work on a hospital for terminal ill people and we read books to each other every Friday. If possible I would like the copy of The Stand so that I can bring it to work and let the master read to us for a change. I know everyone would enjoy that a lot.

Misha Gail

2) The Marv story contest. I’m reading and I have some stories left before I have finished all but let me tell you, it won’t be easy to pick a winner. You have all done a great job. I do have a few favorites so far though…

3) The Wind Through the Keyhole contest is still ongoing and you have until Feb. 29 (2 days) to enter. More info about that here.